Your shopping experience at Giant just got even better! From mobile contactless payment to 0% interest instalment plans, you can now treat yourself and your loved ones and shop to your heart's content.
Mobile Contactless Payments
Giant accepts payment by Samsung Pay, Apple Pay and Android Pay at all stores for any transactions below $100. You can now make payment easily by tapping your phone on the card reader.
POSB Cash-point Service
Ran out of cash? Then fret no more. Through our POSB Cash-Point Service, you can now withdraw cash at any of our stores!
Step 1
Make your purchase at any Giant stores
Step 2
Use your POSB / DBS Card /Credit Card to make payment
Step 3
Indicate the amount to withdraw
Step 4
Key in your pin
Step 5
Receive your cash and receipt
Note: Cash withdrawal in multiples of S$10 using DBS/POSB Cards with any purchase. Subject to cash availability. Withdrawal amount up to S$200 cash
0% Instalment Plans
Shop ?til you drop with 0% instalment plans for all general merchandise! Available with the following credit cards:


Your shopping experience at Giant just got even better! From mobile contactless payment to 0% interest instalment plans, you can now treat yourself and your loved ones and shop to your heart's content.
Mobile Contactless Payments
Giant accepts payment by Samsung Pay, Apple Pay and Android Pay at all stores for any transactions below $100. You can now make payment easily by tapping your phone on the card reader.
POSB Cash-point Service
Ran out of cash? Then fret no more. Through our POSB Cash-Point Service, you can now withdraw cash at any of our stores!
Step 1
Make your purchase at any Giant stores
Step 2
Use your POSB / DBS Card /Credit Card to make payment
Step 3
Indicate the amount to withdraw
Step 4
Key in your pin
Step 5
Receive your cash and receipt
0% Instalment Plans
Shop ?til you drop with 0% instalment plans for all general merchandise! Available with the following credit cards: