Displaying 1-6 of 101 results.
What Kind of Supermarket Shopper Are You? 2
We all have our own unique quirks when it comes to the way we shop. Hear from 5 different types of customers and see which one you can identify with!
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Story of a Giant Store Manager
We spoke to Lin, a store manager at Giant, who took us behind the scenes at how his typical day goes and what motivates him to do his best. Read on to find out what it takes to be a Giant store manager.
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What Kind of Supermarket Shopper Are You?
We all have our own unique quirks when it comes to the way we shop. Hear from 5 different types of customers and see which one you can identify with!
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9 Things You Didn’t Know About Giant
Supermarkets are part of our everyday lives but there’s so much more to Giant than meets the eye! Discover 9 fun facts you probably didn’t know about Giant!
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How Hari Raya is Celebrated in Singapore and Around the World
Hari Raya 2020 might not feel the same, but the spirit of the occasion remains strong. Take inspiration from the unique ways it's celebrated around the world!
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Chef’s Secret Tips to Finding the Freshest Supermarket Food
Getting the freshest produce and meat is our priority! Here are our tips to finding the freshest supermarket food.
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